Monday, August 27, 2012

Rededicating to CrossFit

It is time to rededicate myself to working out.  School has started and we have a routine now, so it is time!  CrossFit is my favorite choice when it comes to working out.  It isn't like a fun walk/jog with a friend.  It is a.... want to puke, can barely walk when you are done, sweat from every pore type work out.  
But in some very sick way, I love it!!!

And after finally getting my mothers day gift from Justin I have even more reason to be dedicated.  The more equipment I get the more I know I have to make myself do the workouts.  For right now I am doing CrossFit in my white trash basement gym.  I miss going to the actual gym and I miss all the wonderful people there.  Some day when all the kids are in school I will return to the real gym but for now this is better then nothing.  It definitely is not the same working out by myself, well I have Coach Mr. Grant.

He really does tell me every morning......"Let Work Out Now!"

So this was my Mother's Day gift.....

A Concept 2 Rower.....basically a butt kicking machine!!!

I was so excited about this gift but even more then the actual rower, I was excited to finally receive my first jingle from Jingling Justin!

So here it is...

There are many things a mother needs,
Like sparkling jewelry and fancy beads.
What to get you this Mother's Day I just don't know,
But I was thinking of something that went row, row, row?
It may be off of Craig's list or brand new from a store,
Until I do some more research I really will not know.
So tell me the brand and model that you want to get,
Then I will get you something that will be the perfect fit!

Thanks for being such an incredible mother to our children.  It's amazing what you do on a daily basis for us all.  I'm so blessed to have you as my eternal companion and best friend!

Love you so much,


Several times over the summer I was accompanied by kids during my workout.
  So I put them to work as well.

Logan and Ryker doing "box jumps" on the little kid chairs.

If any of you know Justin, you know he can research something for years.  Not kidding, he is still researching the perfect ice machine for us to have in our garage.  Which was a gift from his parents last year for his birthday.  Seriously, he still wants and plans to get the ice machine, but after hours of research, has yet to decide on the perfect one.

I, on the other hand, am not much of a researcher when it comes to items to buy.  If it is a larger more expensive item I do my homework, so to speak, but not hours and hours of researching it. 
 Unless it is a new camera :)

I told Justin the rower I wanted and then waited 3 months for him to get it for me.  Then I decided it might be like many other "gift certificates" I have gotten from him.  The kind that you actually never get the item, just the letter saying you will get it.

So I decided to "relieve him of the pressure" to get it............doesn't that sound like I was being nice :)
And I found it myself!

I think Justin was actually relieved and I got a good deal on it so that's all he ever cares about.

These are some pretty tough boys.  They rowed, did squats, sit ups, push ups and even tried pull ups.
So my Mother's Day gift will benefit many let's just say!
I love it!!!
Thanks Babe!

1 comment:

BiggsFamily said...

That was so sweet of Justin!! I miss not being able to run over and work out with you!! :(!!