Wednesday, August 29, 2012

That Time of Year Already?

I can not believe how fast the summer went.  It makes me sad that it is over!  I was not ready to send my kids back to school yet.  I needed at least three more weeks to do all the fun things I had hoped to do with them over the summer.  Not that we didn't have a fun summer because we did, I just didn't get everything done with them that I was wanting to.

But there was not much I could do about inevitably the first day of school came!

The kids were excited to see all their friends again!
Kiersten was very excited to go to school at Pima.  We made the decision to move her from Discovery to Pima for 6th grade so that she could have a year mixing with the kids before starting Junior High.  She was so excited about our decision.

Before school started they each got a Father's Blessing from Justin.  I look forward to hearing these blessings each year.  I am so grateful to be married to a guy that is worthy to give blessings when needed.

Logan is starting 1st Grade

Hunter is starting 4th Grade

Kiersten is starting 6th Grade

I didn't embarrass Kiersten and ask to take a picture of her with her teacher.  Although I don't know if she would have cared if I had.  Kiersten is pretty easy going when it comes to things like that.
Kiersten's main teacher is Mrs. Larson.  Kiersten will get to switch classes and have Ms. Bonds as well.  They are both young and energetic.  From what I have heard they are both wonderful teachers with good experience!

Hunter with his teacher Mrs. Jessica Skinner.
We love her!!!
She is a wonderful teacher and lives two houses down from us which is nice.

Logan and Mrs. Candice Lines
We LOVE her!  

Logan's exact words after his first day of school were, 
"Mom, life is better in first grade!"
Happy to hear that.

We know it's going to be a great year for all the kids!
Not sure mom is ready for the after school schedule of dance classes, gymnastics, violin, piano, archery, scouts, activity days and who knows what else!

But ready or not, here we come!!!

This was the first year that after the first day of school the kids were greeted with a surprise.
Actually it was left on the door step and the door bell rang but no one was there.  Just four paper bags with a note.....

The kids were visited by the Back To School Fairy.  I did explain to them that I had to pay for the fairy's services to come.......I have some pretty clever kids now so they want things explained. 
And the truth is that I honestly did have to pay for it :)

Hunter was happy with his Batman Lego, sketch pad and candy.

Kiersten got a jewelry set to make, a shoulder pet, and junior mints (her favorite).

Logan got a Captain America shield that shoots out disks...........he was so excited!

And then there is the two year old!

Let me just explain first that the easy, relaxing day with just one kid at home was anything but easy or relaxing.
This little monster decided he didn't want the kids to go back to school and that he was going to let me know it.  He peed his pants twice, which he never does, he colored with markers all over himself, also not a normal thing for him and he fussed all day about where the kids were! 

 He kept telling me that he, "NEEDED HUNTER NOW!"

Seriously I actually thought about checking Hunter out of school after lunch to come entertain Mr. Grant!  Guess this back to school thing will be an adjustment for everyone!

1 comment:

BiggsFamily said...

I Can't believe how big your kids are!!! I miss all of your happy cute faces!!!