Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Happy Jack

We were so luck and got invited by Tamra and Jed Hughes to get stay at their uncles cabin in Happy Jack for four days.

The cabin was large bedrooms with 5 bathrooms, not including the smaller cabin that they are remodeling.  It was so fun to stay in the same cabin with the Hughes and the Peterson's. 

The cabin had foosball, air hockey, a pool table and lots of games.  

The kids enjoyed staying up late playing games.  One night us adults stayed up till midnight playing the card game Oh Heck.  It was super fun!  First time I learned sweet Michele Peterson is very competitive.  It was a fun night with lots of laughs.  Helps when you get super tired, it makes everything funny :)

You know it's a great trip when 20 minutes into the drive home you have all 5 kids totally ASLEEP!
We seriously had so much fun!  We are already talking about doing it again next summer!

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