Saturday, July 9, 2016

Sandcastle Building Lessons

We didn't know when we started these lessons that we would all end up loving them so much.

Dennis was wonderful with the kids!

Learning how to make pancakes here.  This is the forest to our castle!  Never knew there were so many cool techniques to helping you build a neat sandcastle.

Everyone worked so good together!

Even Ella enjoyed herself.

Use simple straws to blow out the sand from what you've carved.

Very hypnotizing building a sandcastle of this magnitude.

I think we smiled the entire 4 hours.  The lesson was support to be 2 hours.  Dennis was so cool, he didn't have any other lessons today so he just spend extra time with us.  A friend of his was with him and he made a 360 degree video of us building the castle.  It is so cool!  It's on YouTube under SPI sandcastle.  If you are able to view it in 360 degree mode it is worth taking a look at.

That's a lot of sand in these forms!
Cute stud on top!

Oh Logan..... this kid is something else.  Everyone around is got a kick out of his pose.  Did that all on his own!

Those are smiles of pure delight!

Pretty tall sandcastle

Ella's contribution to the castle.  She did have fun!

We were all stoked how massive it turned out!

This is my FAVORITE picture of the trip!

As we spent 4 hours working on the castle, several people sitting close by us said they enjoyed watching us.  We got several compliments about how good our family worked together and how well everyone got along.  It was a good reminder what a wonderful family we indeed have.  We have so much to fight for!!!

I would say Justin and I would do this again in  a heart beat!
Justin really enjoyed building the sandcastle together!

Dennis was the best instructor or Sand Doctor.  We were his sand slaves.
His favorite saying was, "You have to be smart to be lazy!"  He should us all the ways to make building a large sandcastle easier.  Much of his tips helped him be lazy while building.  

This was Kiersten's Instagram post got over 200 likes......guess that a cool thing when you are teenager!  Lots of comments about how dark she is.

End product was PRICELESS!

Hunter is so silly.  Had to hide his stomach behind the bridge.....crazy boy!

We make a great sandcastle team!

Working on the details of the sandcastle was my favorite part!

Can't get over how cool it turned out!

How sweet is that bridge!  Such a strong key stone to hold it together.  Great reminder that we need to have a strong key stone in our own lives to keep us together.  Grateful for the reminder and to know with assurance, that our life key stone should be the Godhead. 

I love that I looked back and found someone had carved our last name and a heart into the castle!
This was a perfect day if there ever was one!

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