Sunday, July 10, 2016

Night Crab Hunting

We had so much fun going night crab hunting!  It was fun to see other families with their little kids in the elevator most every night with flash lights going out crab hunting.

At first we thought well seems like a fun time.  But then you go do it and it is beyond fun!
It's like one of natures easter egg hunts!

The little crab are every where on the soft sand.........and I mean every where!!!

The bigger crab are more sparse.

All of us enjoyed the crab hunting!  Even Justin seemed like a little kid out there looking for crabs.  It made my heart happy to see him be so carefree.

There are much bigger crab at the waters edge.  They run and bury themselves in the wet sand.

It took team work to trap the crabs, hold them there while the wave came in and then pick them up.

This was the prettiest crab we saw.  Someone told us it's called Sea Crab, the other ones are sand crabs.

Also at the waters edge were tons and tons of these little fish.  They were jumping out of the water!  The kids could grab them with their hands or if they used a net they could catch 8-10 at a time.  We had so much fun screaming, laughing and enjoying the night!  Must do if you are ever on South Padre Island!  Fun and free....can't beat that!

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