Friday, September 19, 2008

Guess What Hunter Caught With His Bare Hands............

So last night when we got home from our photo shoot my mom said, "You're never going to believe what Hunter caught all by himself." So we went to the garage and inside a box was this little baby cotton tail. I seriously couldn't believe it. My mom said the rabbit was under the castle fort we just got that's in our backyard. My dad was working on fixing a few loose boards on the castle when he noticed the baby rabbit under the castle. He called the kids over to look at it. The kids decided to go get some carrots to feed to him and he started to come slowly out from under the castle. My mom said without any hesitation of any kind Hunter graped the baby rabbit.
Hunter was ecstatic to say the least! I was pretty darn excited myself, it was just so like Hunter, but hard to believe that he's 5 and could catch a baby rabbit.
Such a cute little baby cotton tail! They named him "Castle Rabbit," but they knew we had to let him go in the morning because he would miss his mommy. Hunter agreed that he didn't want to loose his mommy either.

1 comment:

The Parkers said...

That thing's adorable! Way better than the flies caught by my son. :)