Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jousting Kung Fu Panda

The Castle was invaded by Kung Fu Panda and all the knights had to use their jousting skills to conquer him. The kids thought this was WONDERFUL!!! King Hunter was so brave and let his knight is the battle.

Oh I think you got him King!

Sir Kaden Kouts was a fierce knight and had amazing sword skills. The boys couldn't get enough of fighting the Panda. Sir Doyle strikes and gives Kung Fu Panda a forceful blow.
Sir Logan had a hard time not laughing and smiling, but his fighting skills are top nouch for sure! I thought a giant cut out would be fun for the kids and this was all the our theater had. The kids thought it was so cool. The kept wanting to joust again and again.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

I think that even topped the luau. What fun Becky! I really liked the cake too. Happy Birthday Hunter! --The Gundersons