Thursday, January 22, 2009

Buttercup Campsite at Imperial Sand Dunes, CA

My boys on their quads! We love going to the dunes! We got there early Friday, before all the Mesa friends got there. So we enjoyed some dunes time with just our family. We couldn't get the kids off the quads.
Hunter and Logan.................... Yes Logan is only three and rides the quad all by himself. He is actually pretty good at riding and maneuvering it. A broke arm couldn't stop Hunter from riding the quad. That first night he did ask why his arm hurt of much. Hope it's OK to be riding with a broking arm? Hey he had fun at least!
Logan always wanted to be infront so he could "beat" Hunter.
Logan looks so little on that quad.
He is quite the quad rider! He cried when we had to leave the dunes!

1 comment:

touch of glass said...

Love it! We had so much fun, glad you came. I love Logan's face in his helmet. You can't see his eyes but you know he can see where he was going!!