Saturday, January 10, 2009

Decorating the TREES, yes I said Trees!

Long story, but when we were first married and over in Chandler going to ASU, I worked at a Law Office for an attorney named Eric Kessler (loved it by the way). Anyways, one thing I remember about Eric's house, besides that is was huge and gorgeous, is that at Christmas time his wife put little Christmas trees in each kids room. I loved the idea and told myself I would do that same for my kids, when I had any and so our tradition started.
For FHE, the Monday after Thanksgiving we let the kids decorate their own Christmas trees. In the years past I have just surprised the kids and decorated their trees for them. This year I decided to buy them their own fun decorations and let them enjoy the decorating! And they did.................
Logan was so happy! He kept saying, "For my room Mommy, for my room Mommy?" I had to reassure him over and over that it was a tree for his very own room. Logan hasn't had his own room before moving into this house. Logan's favorite thing was his dinosaur ornament! He just loved it! I would find it hung on different places on his tree throughout the month, but it was always still on the tree. What a miracle I know. It was fun to see where the dinosaur had moved day to day. Kiersten is so naturally good at decorating. She loved getting to do the decorating herself and so did I.
Hunter was great at putting all the balls on the tree. He was so happy with his finished tree!
This kids kept running into each others rooms to see each others progress and they cheered each other on. It was great to see them genuinely compliment each other!
Hunter getting into the Christmas spirit.
Kiersten's favorite decoration was the diamond crystals I got for her tree. She loves diamonds already so I feel sorry for her husband. She better find a rich doctor or something.
We sang to the Christmas music playing through out the house! What a fun memory and tradition. I am just a huge fan of traditions. I love to make new traditions for our family and to hear other peoples traditions.
The kids even helped me decorate our big Christmas tree, or as they call it "Mom's Christmas" tree. They know how much I love to decorate the Christmas tree!
Such a fun night it was! This year we had a total of FIVE decorated Christmas trees. Our main tree, one in each of the kids rooms and in the kids retreat (forgot to take a picture of it). The only bad part about decorating for Christmas is having to take it down.

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