Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy 4th of July

I bought the usual 4th of July outfits for my kiddos.......and of course I wanted to take their picture.....then I decided I could just find stuff for Justin and I, in our closets, so we could be in the pictures as well. It's always hectic getting everyone ready for pictures..............but it's especially hectic when you are the photographer as well! Thanks Gloria for coming to snap the pictures for us! You'll never regret family pictures, no matter how hectic it is! It was crazy windy the evening we took these. I had wanted to take them in a field with the mountain in the background, but had to settle for Bingham of my favorite photoshoot locations. Just because........ What adorable kids!
Kiersten's such a girly girl and I love it! It's nice because on the one hand she is all girl, but then on the other hand she likes riding quads, fishing and playing with her brothers.
It's hard to believe Kiersten is going to be in the 4th grade this year............where has the time gone. We are excited for another year at Discovery. Kiersten's teacher, Mrs. Skinner, recently moved into the house at the end of our street and we have heard what a wonderful teacher she is. We are excited to get to know her.
Hunter........what a kid!
We have decided to let him continue on to 2nd grade. After having a couple of weeks tutoring with Mac, she said it would be hard to keep him in the 1st grade. He catches on so fast and loves learning! She thinks we need to have him tested for a "gifted program." I couldn't tell if she was just being nice, cause she always is..............but she thinks he's just a genius!
I think he just has her wrapped around his little finger...........just like he did with Mrs. Lines! Hunter just has a way with teachers.
Hunter is a good kid!
Mr. Grant is such a little man! He now is pulling up to things and standing. I keep thinking he's to little to be doing it and it makes me sad to have he grow up so fast. He is such a fun baby! He has brought so much joy to our family!
What a kid! We sure love our Mr. Grant!
I love to look at all his cute features...........his perfect face, his little ears, his chubby cheeks, his little toes, all of him. I could just eat him up.........I love him so!
Logie Bear! This kid is a total character. He is so lovable. He tells everyone that comes to our house that he loves them. It's nice to have him tell me several times a day that he just loves me.
I can't believe he'll be 5 in November.
Our pictures where full of ones like this....
......a few like this......
I just wanted a picture of Mr. Grant sitting by the kids............not so much...... we tried this pose......
.........and this one.
There is suppose to be that wonderful stage when babies aren't crawling yet but they can sit up on their own. The best stage for taking pictures. Well Mr. Grant decide to SKIP that stage..........he crawled at 6 months and sat up a month after he already knew how to crawl. I was a little bummed I didn't get to enjoy taking his picture during that "Perfect Stage." Oh well I guess I like adventure..........
and one thing is for sure.......
What handsome guys!

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