Thursday, July 22, 2010

Swim Team

This is the kids second year on the Pima Swim Team. It is one of the high lights of my summer. I swam on the swim team for years and then I was a coach for 7 years. I have tons of great memories from swim team! Kiersten and her friend.........two beautiful girls!
Hunter can eat like crazy right before he races.........but not Kiersten she inherited my nervous stomach and she really doesn't eat much until the whole meet is over.
Logie..well just being Logie! Next year Logan will be on swim team and he can't wait!
Trying to keep cool before their races until Grandma Boswell's umbrella.
Hunter doing the back stroke. Both Kiersten and Hunter are excellent at the backstroke. The swim coaches, Natalie, Echo and Callie always reminded my kids that they got their back stroke from their mom.
That's my boy coming in first at back stroke!
So happy to get his ribbon!
Kiersten's in the fourth lane from the right. She was neck and neck with the girl to her left. She barely didn't get first. She beats herself up something fierce when she gets anything but first. I try and try to help her be easier on herself. I try to help her see that she is amazing regardless of what ribbon she gets. She should focus on being grateful for all that she has and is able to be a part the end of the season she was much better!
Now that's the smile I want to see after every race sweet Kiersten!
Hunter doing the breast second favorite stroke and Hunter's most favorite.
Kiersten getting an awesome start.........she is the girl in the middle.
Kiersten did wonderful at butterfly. I was so proud of her for always doing all the events that she could. She is such a hard worker and I admire that about Kiersten! She's a great example to me!
Branton Moore, or more popularly known as BOB at our house. Poor Bob, Justin has called him Bob so much he has stopped arguing with Justin about his name really being Branton Moore that now he just answers to Bob at our house. He is just a cute little guy!
This was the final meet.
Kiersten got a second place medal for back stroke. Way to go Kiersten! What an awesome swimmer she is!
Hunter got second place medal in breast stroke.
Kiersten got fourth place in butterfly..........way to go! That is the hardest stoke I think.
Hunter got first place in Butterfly!
These are some of the GREAT Pima coaches and Lifeguards! They make the kids feel so good about themselves. It's just a wonderful program and I am grateful my kids are able to be a part of it. One of my high lights of swim team is seeing all my good life guarding Brenda Bingham, Echo, Callie, Natalie, Rhona.
Thank you coaches for making my kids feel great!
Nice form Bud............Hunter doing the breast stroke.
During one of the relays our team only had three people so Callie and Shay gave the kids going twice piggie back rides to the other side just in time for them to jump in and swim their last laps! What awesome coaches!
Kiersten got a second place medal in breast stroke! Way to go Sista!
Hunter feeling the sweet thrill of victory for a third time. He got a second place medal in freestyle! What a fish!
Nice pose Hunter boy! He got a third place medal for butterfly. Really, really good especially considering how much shorter he is than the other boys in this age bracket. You can see in this picture that he is the same height as the boys to the right...........but they are on the concrete and he is up on a block.
I am so proud of these two! They worked hard all summer and it really paid off at the final swim meet! I was sad to see the swim season end. I love going to swim meets...........I love cheering.........I love coaching..........I love the water! Great times! Can't wait until next season! Logan should be a hoot to watch next summer!
Great job Kiersten and Hunter!!!

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