Thursday, July 22, 2010


Every summer I try to have some sort of schedule with reading, workbook, school time. But I never seem to be consistent.......until this summer. We did really well having reading/school time right after the kids got home from swim team.
It was 20 minutes of reading time........Kiersten and Hunter each have a timer. The kids did great with it all summer. I was worried they would fight me more about it but they really crave a schedule.
Hunter reading his favorite book.....Captain Underpants!
Logan had to practice his letters. He doesn't care a whole lot about that stuff right now but one day he will just like his older brother and sister!
Then it was 2 pages of workbook....math and writing each day. They loved their little workbooks that prepare them for the grade they are going into. They were 8 week booklets so it made it really nice. On different days of the week it would have the kids work on different things, math, reading, writing, problem solving, etc.
If we missed a day from being out of town I would tell the kids they didn't have to make those pages up. But Kiersten insisted on doing every page even if I said she didn't need to. What an over achiever she is! It made me feel like I was helping them be prepared for the coming school year. So now I know we can do it! It required discipline but was very worth it!

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