He just learned to ride his bike, but his seat was all torn apart............................so he was very excited to see the Aunt Tif and Uncle Brian had gotten him a new seat!!
He just learned to ride his bike, but his seat was all torn apart............................so he was very excited to see the Aunt Tif and Uncle Brian had gotten him a new seat!!
Sir Kaden attempts to slay the dragon...........
King Hunter is the bravest Knight of all and he takes down the dragon!
As always the kids loved the dragon pinata.
King Hunter is an amazing leader and such a strong person. It is an honor to be his mother! Wow I am a mother of a King!!! This was Hunter's favorite party he said.................then he added well so far. I don't think I am out doing this one.
Kaden and Logan having a great sword fight!
WOW, look at all those GOLD nuggets!
We had two different places for panning so that the boys wouldn't have to wait as long and it worked out great. Justin helped with one and I helped with the other, while my wonderful mother-in-law took pictures and video for us. The Wizard and Knightress Kiersten looking fro any signs of GOLD. Kiersten was lucky because she got to be the only girl who got to play in the games. Alright I see GOLD!
So cute King Hunter and his Royal Knights!
King Hunter is so brave and honest.
Sir Hunter Seline is a strong knight. Sir Logan is a brave and very adorable knight.
I couldn't believe he just took off and boom he could ride his bike. He is growning up so much I hate it. While I was gone to Chicago my Wonderful Mother-in-law even taught him how to tie his shoes. He was so excited to show me when I got off the plane. Five year olds learn some fun stuff Hunter said.
What A Stud!
We tricked Justin when he got home from a meeting. Hunter asked him if he could help him learn to ride his bike and then Hunter just took off. Justin was really surprised.
Logan said "Look Mommy I do it, I do it too!" Do you like the pink bike?
See the guy standing down on the stage..............yea the dinosaurs were impressive to say the least. Logan got fussy during the intermission because he wanted to see more of the dinosaurs. Kiersten loved all the information they gave about the dinosaurs. She told me she thought is was very interesting!
The kids especially loved seeing the mommy and baby T-Rex.
Don't ya love Logan's expression.
Kiersten and Maranda enjoying some popcorn. Our good friends the Smith's met up with us at the show and afterwards we took the kids to Chuck'e Cheese for some more fun.
Logan waiting to see some Dinosaurs.............