Saturday, October 4, 2014

U of A Showcase

The first morning we were over in Tuscon I was able to meet my sweet cousin Sabra for brunch at Ghinis Caffe.  The food was delicious and the company even better!

I wish I would have taken a picture with her.  She is such a great person and I wish I got to see her more often.

Kirsten's dance group was invited to attend the U of A dance showcase this year.  They performed their contemporary number Go Down Singing.  It was so beautiful and they totally nailed it.  Jenny has never had such a young group of dancers be accepted into that showcase so it was a proud moment for Kiersten.

We did a little target shopping.  We acted like a couple of teenagers and it was so much fun!

The girl had lots of classes, besides dancing in the showcase.  So while they were in classes Wendy and I played!  It was a blast!  We watched a movie at the newRoadhouse Cinemas.

It was awesome.  Recliners, food delivered right to you during the movie.  All you had to do is press a button and write down on a piece of paper what you wanted and they would bring it to you.  At the end of the movie they brought you your check and you paid for you food.

Such a beautiful group of dancers!

This is Kirsten's group known as Dance Extreme!

They are all such great girls and Kirsten loves being a part of their group!

Not only are they fun but they are wicked talented!

Yep acting like teenagers and loving it! 

Wendy was pretending to take a picture of me but was really taking a selfie of because her and they guy behind her had matching shirts on.  It was so funny!
Thanks for the fun Wendy!
I sure love you!
And I really love my weekends away with my sweet Kiersten for dance events!

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