Thursday, October 23, 2014

"You'll Make a Great Lawyer!"

Funny, we have been saying this for years about Hunter!
Tonight as we were sitting around the family room Hunter was trying to talk Kiersten into playing football with him outside.  Kiersten told him that she didn't want to "play outside."
I walk by and Hunter says, "Mom, Kiersten wants to play football in the house!!!"

Then Silvio says, "You'll make a great lawyer!"

So it is confirmed!

We explained to Silvio that we've said that about Hunter for a long time.  It gave us a kick to hear Silvio say it and explain why he thought that.

I didn't know the whole conversation at first but yes Hunter would make a great lawyer!  He is quick witted and can turn anything around to fit what he needs it to.  Not a bad quality to have I'd say!

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