Monday, January 2, 2012

25 Days to Bring Christ into Our Christmas

These two pictures should be at the bottom of this post.........sorry!
The Saturday when we left the hotel after swimming with the Player's, our advent calendar idea was to do a family service project. As we talked with our kids about what things we could do we all decided to do something for Uncle Quincy. He will be leaving in July for Afghanistan with his National Guard Squad to serve our country. We couldn't think of anything better to do then show him a small amount of our appreciation for his sacrifice, by cleaning up his backyard.
The kids worked hard picking up dog poop, raking leaves, sweeping the porch, trimming trees and bushes and making the backyard look nice. I was proud of how hard the kids worked.........and not one of them complained. I think it speaks volumes for the love that they have for Uncle Quincy and his sweet family!
We decided to do our advent calendar just like we did last year to help bring the true spirit of Christmas in to our home......just like it did last year.
Our Advent Calendar List 2011
1. Read "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" and have a treat.
2. Family Dance Night........enjoying frozen gourmet popcorn while showing off our hottest dance moves!
3. Help decorate the Strings float for the Light Parade..........go watch Kiersten dance before the Light Parade and then ride in the parade.
4. Open up a special gift (pajamas) and cuddle up in Mom's bed to watch The First Presidency's Christmas Devotional and a Christmas movie!
5. Learn of the Shepherds and make staff cookies.
6. Family Game Night............there is a gift to open for this as well! (Lego Creationary Game)
7. Learn of Mary and make heart chains
8. Watch a Christmas movie while eating "Ooey Gooey Goodness"
9. Pack you bags and swim suits...........we are staying at a hotel (with an inside pool) with the Player family tonight!
10. Do a family service project.
11. Decorate gingerbread houses.
12. Caroling with violins and then learn of the angels while enjoying hot chocolate.
13. Go to Hunter's choir concert and carol with the group, then end with donuts and hot cocoa.
14. Jingle Bell Day & begin our gifts for Jesus.
15. Learn of Joseph & begin the "Large Jingle Bell Tradition"
16. Go bowling tonight and eat dinner there.
17. Go to the dance recital and eat dinner or get ice cream after wards depending on the time.
18. Cluff Christmas Party at Grammy's tonight........waffles, gift exchange and Doyle's sock.
19. Caroling with violins again and learn of the Lamb and the Angel.
20. Read short Christmas stories while cuddled in Mom's bed.
21. Have a Wise Man Night with Jerusalem Dinner..............come in the costumes provided.
22. Drive around and look at Christmas lights in the back of dads truck.
23. Do a secret elf.............put some money in a card and leave it on someones doorstep.
24. Learn of the Wise Men and begin our own journey.
25. Learn of Jesus and pick a "gift of Jesus" to work on through out the coming year.
Often it would just be the kids and I doing these things, as Justin worked crazy hours trying hard to get things in order with the company for the close of the year. There is so much to do when you run your own company when it comes to the finances at the end of the year.
We were always so excited when Justin was able to join us!!
We were happy Justin met us for our night of was 7:00 on a Friday night and he had been at work since 5:30 that morning. But he was just happy to be spending time with his family he said. And we were so happy he made it! What a good looking group of kids! Mr. Grant was so happy to have his daddy help him bowl! Thank goodness for bowling lanes with bumpers! Logan was smoking............I believe he ended with the top kid score! Kiersten enjoyed the night! Love this picture! Logan wanted so badly to get to keep these shoes. And boy was Mr. Grant upset that he didn't get a pair of cool shoes to wear. We eventually took his shoes off just to see if he would be less sort of worked. Love his big toe sticking out of his sock. He has the Cluff Toe!!! It was such a fun night out with my family! I just love this guy! So happy I get to spend my holidays (and every day for that matter) with him! We had a great night of bowling and fun! Justin was working late this night but the kids and I learned of the Shepard's. The kids enjoyed making the staff cookies, even though I forgot to add the flour to the store bought cookie dough so the whole pan ended up being one big cookie. They tasted yummy and that's all that matters! Oh this is what we call "Ooey Gooey Goodness" It is highly addictive and is probably why I am 10 lbs over my ideal weight :) You need to try it!!! It is worth every calorie for sure! The kids were so excited to decorate their own gingerbread houses. This year I got smart and gave each kid their own bag of icing. They loved it and just decorated away! Justin and I were both surprised how much Mr. Grant got in to decorating his house. This was a Sunday so Justin was home and boy was I glad. I was glad to have his extra pair of hands there to help me with the kids.
Way to go Mr. Grant!
The kids were all so quite while they worked away on their houses.
Having their own bags of icing was a huge hit with the kids. They no longer had to wait for mom to make it to them with the frosting. It's nice to have the kids old enough to do stuff on their own.
Looking good!
This is Mr. Grant's...........
Most of his candy was tasted before or after it was placed on his gingerbread house. I love all the half eaten candies! Just like a two year old!
Mr. Grant did become bored of the decorating but then he wanted to watch his brothers and sister. And I think he wanted to be closer to the big bowls of candies............ha, ha!
Great job Kiersten!
Kiersten was especially excited about her idea to make a hop scotch as part of her yard decorations............clever!
Nice job Bud!
So fun to watch the kids use their creativity and imagination!
Logan was so excited about the Christmas tree he made on his house!
So cute!
This was from our Wise Man Night with our Jerusalem Dinner.
The kids loved getting dressed up in their costumes!
I sent Mr. Grant over to the Shupe's as I didn't think him and candles would mix well. Especially considering Justin had to work late this night and was unable to join us.
The kids were beyond excited about this dinner.
I made the menu more simple than last year and I think everyone enjoyed it just as much or even more.
We had different kinds of meats and cheeses, olives, nuts, flat bread and grape juices.
The kids were so happy to eat by candle light and to get fancy glasses.
The kids, with help from Kiersten, looked through out the house for the baby Jesus. They finally found Mary, me and baby Jesus, a doll in the piano room. We fixed our plates and as the kids ate I read the account of the Savior's birth found in Luke chapter 2. I spoke in almost a whisper. The kids were amazing and so attentive while I read. They added what they knew about the story, they asked questions through out the night about that special night and they made the evening a beautiful memory for me. We talked about what it would have been like to have been there that special night. No one changed the subject. The spirit was so sweet and strong as we spoke about our Savior Jesus Christ. The kids did ask where Joseph was. They were understanding when I explained that Joseph was really sad to miss this but that he had to work late in his shop.
Kiersten told me afterwards that this is her favorite tradition at Christmas time. She said, "Mom can we please always do this. Even when I am 21 I want to come home to have this Jerusalem dinner and hear the story of Jesus birth."
It was so sweet.
The boys each told me through out the night how thankful they were to get to do such a fun thing. They thanked me over and over again.
It was just a beautiful night! This is what Christmas is really about learning and speaking about the Savior with our families.
We enjoyed all the things we did to try to create the true meaning of Christmas in our home this year. It wasn't always picture perfect by any means but it was always worth it. The kids have been and shown much gratitude for everything I planned.
I hope it will be these things that they remember about their Christmas's as a child.

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