Friday, January 13, 2012

Baby #5....

I bet that title got your attention!
For the record NO I am NOT PREGNANT and NO I am NOT "trying" to get pregnant.
Just a funny story about Mr. Grant.......
I found a small box of Hunter's old clothes from when he was around 18 months to 2 years. In the box was this shirt as well as probably 20 other shirts. Out of all the shirts Mr. Grant INSISTED on wearing this one. Infact, I took the shirt off on him twice this day and put it in the dirty clothes basket............both times Mr. Grant was upset, threw a fit and would go back, get the shirt out and find me to put in on him.
Silly boy, why oh why would he pick this shirt.
Another crazy thing that happened this day...........
For at least a year now I have done this little thing with Mr. Grant.
I will ask him something like, "Show me your Happy?" or "Where is your Happy?"
I taught him to reply by giving me a huge smile. I do it with him on a daily basis.
So after I did his hair this day, we were both looking at each other in the mirror and I asked him, "Where is your Happy?"
He immediately looked down and pointed to his shirt.
I tried it again and again and again.............every single time I asked him to "Show me his happy?" he pointed to this shirt. No smile like usual he just points to this shirt. He did this the whole day, even at 7:30 that night when Justin got home from work I told Justin to ask Mr. Grant, "Where his Happy is?"
And BOOM he pointed to the shirt.
Crazy Mr. Grant!


TheShumWAYS said...

I think he's trying to tell you something :)

touch of glass said...

I got so excited when I read the title! I think he knows something you don't ;)