Monday, January 2, 2012

Peppp Zarck Cluff

We were lucky enough this year to get to adopt an Elf.
The kids named him Peppp (Short for Peppermint) Zarck (Hunter made this name up) Cluff.
Even as I am writing this Mr. Grant sees the picture and is cheering ........."Peppp, Peppp, Peppp."
Peppp was here to watch the kids and adult behavior. Every night Peppp would fly back to the North Pole, give his report to Santa and then fly back to our house. He would find a new resting spot when he returned and when the kids woke up the next morning they had to find where Peppp was. This was our Christmas Eve and Kiersten wanted to give Peppp an Oreo so he would know how much she loved sweet! They just LOVED, LOVED looking for Peppp each day. Some days we couldn't find Peppp until evening, but the kids just had a ball. If one of them was getting out of line, another one would remind them that Peppp was going to tell Santa and boy did it work! Our Christmas Eve was actually Christmas Eve Eve.................we asked Santa to come a day early because we were taking the kids on a surprise location trip starting on Christmas Eve afternoon. We weren't sure if Santa would be able to make it that day or not, but we were at least planning on opening up our other gifts either way. So on our Christmas Eve as we waited for Justin to get home from work the kids remembered that if Santa came this would be the last night we'd have least that's what the book says. I have to say I was surprised to see how truly sad my kids were that Peppp would no longer be at our house. Logan actually cried, not the fussy kind of cry but the sincere type of cry. Even Kiersten kept saying how sad she was............I think she was on the verge of crying most of the evening. They just have truly enjoyed looking for Peppp! He brought that magic of Christmas into our home and that just made Christmas for me. I loved seeing the kids excitement. They were especially excited to find that Peppp had moved the night we spent at the hotel with the Player's. I believe it was Hunter who said, "Mom I think Peppp is a real elf because you couldn't have moved him everyone was gone last night. He had to move on his own!" It was sad to see him leave but I did remind the kids that he would return next year. Once we adopted and named him he now belonged in our family. It will be great to see him again next year. The kids, especially Kiersten has mentioned to me that she can't wait for Peppp to come back because it was always so fun to see where he was every morning. One day the kids decided Peppp might like some chocolate. So using some tongs they placed a mini Hersey bar on his lap. We were all surprised to find him a few hours later with part of the chocolate bar gone and chocolate all over his face. Mr. Grant kept telling us for days that, "Peppp eat cholate!" He said it with such excitement it was adorable!! Peppp did write us a note and left it by Santa's plate of eaten cookies. Apparently he really like the chocolate and the Oreo the kids placed in his arms Christmas Eve. Can you spy Peppp in this picture?

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