Monday, January 2, 2012

Sea World Baby!

Since Disneyland ended up being a 2 hour drive from our resort and with Kiersten's arm hurting still we decided to stay close on Monday and have a day at Sea World. It was a great idea and I think the kids were all just as happy.
Waiting for the Shamu show to start. Kiersten was a trooper at Sea World! You could tell her arm hurt quite a bit but she didn't want to leave or even ride in the stroller. I did talk her in to riding in the stroller a couple of times but she wouldn't ride for long.
Kiersten was absolutely in heaven being with Kaely Sue.
We need to do a trip with them again for sure!
Our kids have never been to Sea World and they didn't know how cool it would be. But once the whales started doing their tricks my kids eyes just about popped out of their heads!
Mr. Grant just loved the show!
Loving life with my family!
I love to get out of town with my family.
It's so good for Justin to get away from the company. It's almost like he can finally take a deep breathe when we leave town. He has mentioned to me many times that even on the weekends when he doesn't go in to the office, it's on his mind. It seems the only relief he gets is truly when we actually leave the Gila Valley.
It is just amazing to see what they can train these huge whales to do!
My kids couldn't believe the whales could do back flips!
Notice the "SOAK ZONE" sign in this picture.
The kids were so happy that I would let them sit in the soak zone at the Dolphin show.
I didn't care as long as I didn't have to sit there.
Even Kiersten got to sit down there..........she was so happy and surprised. Really a little water isn't going to hurt her cast at all so why wouldn't I let her.
Logan and Doyle decided that getting wet wasn't for them. So they sat with us........up high out of the way of the splash!
This show was just has changed so much since the last time Justin and I were there.
It was so cute Mr. Grant got so excited watching the dolphins do their tricks.
He kept yelling, "They do hand-tand! They do hand-tand!" He means a "handstand"..............he watches Logan and Kiersten constantly doing handstands at home. I thought it was a pretty smart analogy for a 2 year old!
The people behind us got a kick out of Mr. Grant's comment as well.
"Hand-tand...........hand-tand..........mommy!" says Mr. Grant.
Kiersten and Kaely loved watching the turtles.
I can't wait for my kids to be old enough to scuba dive with Justin and I. If they think looking at the turtles through glass is amazing just wait til you get to swim in the ocean right next to them!
Such a good looking group of kids!
I just love them all!
Hunter just being silly!
He thought this turtle was pretty cool!
Kiersten loved these yellow beach umbrellas.
Cambry, Hunter, Kiersten and Kaely
Tif and the baby's
It was so fun being with Tif.........she always makes me laugh and I just love it!
These two loved every minute of their cousin time!
We all loved Sea World!
The last thing we did was go on the tower ride that takes you way up and spins you slowly around so you can see the whole San Diego area.
What a beautiful place San Diego is..............I would love to have a vacation home there!
Brian, Tif and kids
The Christmas tree lit up was fun to see!
Mr. Grant was asleep in the stroller so we borrowed Brynlee.
Nice CKC jacket.......
can I ask, "Do you work here?"
I think as we exited Sea World many people thought Brian worked the parking lot or something. It was kinda funny.
It was a wonderful day at Sea World...........beautiful weather, wonderful company, I just loved it!

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