Monday, January 2, 2012

"Huwy Huwy Tooties For Anta!"

On Christmas Eve Mr. Grant was just as cute as he could be! He was thrilled that there was a plate of cookies for Santa. We had planned to make cookies for Santa. But between my two photo shoots this day and watching Tif's three oldest kids it just didn't happen. So it was Oreos for Santa........I am sure he didn't mind. Kiersten didn't want the milk to be cold for Santa so she wrote him a note saying his special mug was in the fridge. Kiersten surprised us with a great gift that we got to open Christmas Eve. She had bought us a special plate and mug that is just for Santa. I have always wanted one of these so I was so excited! Mrs. Skinner took it home and wrapped it for Kiersten so it was a true surprise! I just love it!! Thanks Kiersten
Mr. Grant did not care one bit that the cookies weren't home made! He kept taking my hand and bringing me over to the play of cookies any saying in his little 2 year old voice, "Huwy, Huwy Tooties for Anta!"
Then as I was taking other pictures, he wanted me to take a picture of the "tooties."
It just made my night!

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