Sunday, December 11, 2016

Oh Hell No!

So the enevitable happened.....
We came home from church...
Hunter saw that the squirrel had chewed through the roof of the aquarium.....
It had made a mess of his room. 

So with Logan's help they tore apart the basement to find it. Once they found it they tried to capture it using a towel. Then Logan jumped on top of it but it got out from the towel. After chasing it around the basement a bit, they were able to catch it again using the same towel technique and this time shot the squirrel with Hunter's pelet gun. 
Oh My Gosh!!!
 I might or might not have scream like a 10 year old girl when Logan came up the stairs holding the dead squirrel!! 
The only thing I can say is that I am so grateful I found all this out after the squirrel was found and killed!!!
I wondering what was taking them so long to get changed out of their church clothes and why they were so dang loud down in the basement. I even yelled down for them to stop being so  Now it all makes sense. 

I would have been a total freak had the boys told me the squirrel got out and they couldn't find it. 

Thank goodness Hunter is a sharp shooter. 
Three shots fired...
All three hit the squirrel! 

Oh good hell these boys really are going to be the death of me!!!

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