Friday, December 9, 2016


So we had a squirrel living under our play house.  Hunter decided to trap it.

He said he is going to train it and take it on walks.
What the crap?!?
I had to explain that it is a wild animal and could possibly have rabies!

Obviously he didn't understand the lecture I gave him because....

Him and Brody spent today making a "house" out of wooden popsicle sticks for the squirrel.

You know whats going to happen right?
One of two things...
either it is going to end up biting one of them OR
it is going to get loose in MY HOUSE!!!!
Either way I will be pissed off.
Gosh this is an adventure having boys.  Not sure how long I will let them keep it....
probably not long.  I did tell them they could try to walk it.  But after they attempt that I think it will be time to take it out to the woods and release it.
I do have to say Hunter and Brody made the cage really nice for such a wild animal.  If it was smart it would get trained easy so it could stay in the luxury hotel.
These boys are going to be the death of me!!!

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