Thursday, December 22, 2016

Our Christmas Morning Fun!!

We were all excited to see Santa showed up a few days early just like the kids asked him to in their letter. The kids weren't all that surprised because they got a letter back from Santa saying he would be able to come early. He even said he was thinking of taking a cruise after he got all the Christmas gifts delivered! 


Santa even wrapped a few presents so the kids could have comething to unwrap. This year Justin and I didn't give our kids the three gifts we usually do. Nor did we have them exchange names. We decided the cruise was more than enough. But with Grant and Ella so young we knew Santa would be coming of course. 


It was magical like Christmas mornings are with little kids!  I love the joy and surprise!  Everyone got a movie and some candy for the drive to LA. Except Ella she got some extra little toys. Guess Santa feels bad about Ella being left behind too. He took good care of her I will say! 


Grant was thrilled to get the Wild Thing rider he asked Santa for!  And EVERYONE was surprised to see Ella got a hot wheels four wheeler. SHE LOVED IT!!!!


Ella was so fun to watch! The kids did have to wake her up at 6:00 because they just couldn't wait any longer. She loves her little live puppy. She is so cute with it. When it starts to make puppy noises she says, "oh it likes me!!" She sounds so sincere and authentically thrilled! 
Oh the magic!!! 


Logan was beyond happy to see Santa brought him an iPhone 5. And being the easy going kid that he is, he was just fine even once he understood the phone aspect isn't activated. It's more of an iPod. With the understanding that if it is well taken care of, after a 9 month to a year, we will consider activating the phone. His exact words were, "Oh that's more than fair!"


Hunter never told Santa anything he wanted for Christmas. But he was thrilled with the new ASU bedding he got and the basketball outfit and pair of shoes. He thinks Santa did very well without any help!  Glad he feels that way! 


Kiersten got a few clothes, silver burkenstocks (which she got early) and some cute bracelets she was hoping for. She was very happy with all her bracelets. She didn't know they were in the bottom of her stocking till all the gift were opened and she felt deeper for them. 


Grant is having a blast on his wild thing rider!!! In fact everyone likes it! 


Ella is so very excited with her four wheeler!!  She is actually a much better driver than we expected! 


This is the mess after the chaos!  What a magical and fun morning. 
It's been kind of neat this year. With the #LighttheWorld initiative, our 25 Days of Christ and talking about the cruise our kids haven't spent much time focusing on their own Christmas wishes. In fact I had to start asking them what they would want because they weren't nagging me everyday with a new toy they decided to put on their list. 
It has been a wonderful Christmas season!  I am always sad to see it end in a way!  Probably sounds weird to some people but it's true. 
I hope Santa found everyone else this Christmas and most of all I hope everyone gave more than they received and that they were brought closer to our Savior Jesus Christ in deeds and in thought. I know I was!  

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