Saturday, July 7, 2012

Arizona Science Center Trip

Tif and I decided to car pool to the Science Center field trip.  The kids got to go to the Arizona Science Center for their end of the school year field trip.  We actual took the kids down a day early so we could stay in a hotel and play in the pool.  It was such a blast!  Anything with Tif is great!
Tif ended up only taking Doyle and I had Kiersten, Hunter, Logan and Hanna (Kiersten's BFF).
They all had a wonderful time!

The Science Center was great!
The kids really liked the bed of nails!

Heck I even got on the bed of nails........ I hope to never fully grow up!  I love acting like a kid especially around my kids!  They bring out the fun in me for sure!

The Arizona Science Center was a lot funner then I had imagined!
We have never been there before so I wasn't sure what to expect.  I was very happy with how fun it were the kids!
I guess the word "science" reminds me of Science fair projects.  Grrrr!  After you have to do three projects........yes they make even the Kindergarteners do their own science projects at our school (dang over achievers)......the word "science" is more of a cuss word then anything!  LOL!

 Much funner then science fair projects!

Hunter and Doyle having fun racing each other in the wheel chairs.

Aunt Tif was so nice and she paid for Kiersten to ride the bike on the tight rope.  
The boys weren't tall enough........bummer!
Kiersten said it was a little scary but she did great!

Such a cool interactive place for kids to learn about science.

The kids always love water fun!

Hunter loved the could make them shoot out using pressure and water.

Kiersten, Hanna and Logan

We went a day early so the kids got to swim their hearts out!  We actually let them swim the morning we were suppose to meet everyone at the Science Center............guess we were having too much fun because we ended up being about 20 minutes late.  Kind of hard to explain when we drove down the day before and we were the latest ones.........ha, ha.......

We treated ourselves to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory!
I just love Tif..........she is amazing!
She makes everything fun and I love taking a trip with her!
We all had a great time!

1 comment:

Rebecca Barton said...

Derek and I are having our reception at the Science Center! Should be pretty fun.