Friday, July 6, 2012

End of School Year Treats

The kids had wonderful teachers this year and it was time for teacher gifts.
I am always wanting to give my kids teachers something they'll really love because I appreciate them so much.

So Jingling Justin got to work and came up with the cutest jingle ever.
I told him my idea of what I was going to get them and he worked his magic.
In like 5 minutes he had this jingle for me..........he is awesome!!!!

So the teachers got a pedicure, cute flip flops and some hot tamales.
They all loved them!
We even gave one to Jenny, Kiersten's dance instructor and she loved the shoes so much she wore them to the end of the year recital and at Disneyland.  That just made Kiersten's day!

All in all it's been a great year!

Thank you Pinterest for these adorable treat ideas.
The kids loved taking them to their classmates!
We've loved school but boy are we ready for SUMMER!!

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