Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Anyone have a better idea?

OK so here's my dilemma. I am falling way behind on my scrapbooking. I started doing digital scrapbooking about 6 months ago, but am even falling behind on that. My problem is that I don't want to just do simple pages, so they turn out cute but take hours to make (even the digital ones, although they are faster for me). I am thinking that for now I will just use my blog as my scrapbooking, then I'll just post pictures and do a little journaling. Especially now that I know you can make such cute books straight from your blogs. I might actually get it done and not fret over the cutesy stuff for now. Does anyone have any tips, comments, ideas that would help me out. My only thing is that my blog will probably contain more info than anyone cares to read, I guess that doesn't matter cause I am doing for the fam anyways. I just hate to give out more story then people care to hear ya know? What does anyone think about this? Has anyone found a better way to keep their scrapbook current? Thanks for the help and tips everyone!

1 comment:

The Parkers said...

I was in the same boat, but I had to ask myself, "What are my kids going to apreciate more? The perfect placement of every grommet and ribbon, or the time I spent playing with them because I wasn't wasting my time on scrapbooking. The end goal is to get the memories down for them later, right? Well, it's your blog. Use it for that, and don't worry if your fans are bored with the extra details. They can skim! Your kids will love it later. I just heard a great talk about sacrificing "good" things for "better" things. Scrapbooking is good because it preserves memories for later, but (for me and my very limited free time) taking the time to play, teach, and talk to my kids was better. Sorry this is so long. I feel your pain.
(sometimes I do a scrapbook page of a set of really great pictures.)