Friday, June 20, 2008

Funny Hunter!

Last night we had the Curtis cousins, Jacob and Katelynn, over for a sleepover. The kids had a lot of fun! They loved staying up until a late 10:00. Then around 1:00 a.m. Hunter comes in and wakes me up. He said, "Mom, Katelynn wants to go home now." So I got up and as we walked to the other side of the house I was asking Hunter questions............... "Why does Katelynn want to go home?" "Is she crying?" "Does she feel sick?" Hunter then replied, "Mom I don't know, she's talking like a girl and I don't understand her!!!" SO funny..................I hate to break it to him but he'll probably say that same thing many times in his life! Katelynn did go back to sleep and things were fine. Hunter's comment made having to get up at 1 a.m. worth it though!

1 comment:

Tifani said...

that is so funny bec at least she not throwing up I have one that threw up this morning. She is so sweet though!!! Goota love it