Thursday, June 26, 2008

Big Day For Kiersten.............

Kiersten lost her FIRST TOOTH today! Yes she is almost 7, so she's a little dentally challenged. She was extremely excited as one could imagine, she has been telling us since the beginning of Kindergarten that her tooth was loose. She has wanted to loose a tooth for so long she told me several times today I can't believe it was my turn to loose a tooth! She is all excited about the Tooth Fairy, but wanted to keep her tooth. So she left the Tooth Fairy a note asking her if she thought it would be OK. It was so cute!

From the picture you can see that Kiersten already has her permanent tooth growing half way in, behind where the baby tooth fell out. It's been that way for several months..............she's just been waiting and a wiggling away!


Swen said...

brian was almost eight when he lost his, and he wrote a note to keep his too. the tooth fairy here leaves soles...
jenni :)

Kristen P. said...

Man I'm sending my kids to your tooth fairy! i should of come over when I got my wisdom teeth pulled thats like 8 bucks right there! She was pretty excited at moms when her tooth was getting loose, wouldn't let me pull it :)