Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hunter & Kiersten @ Children's Museum

We went to the Discovery Children's Museum in Salt Lake City. It was a wonderful's part of the Gateway, which includes an out doors mall, Theaters, restaurants, planetarium....all kinds of neat things. The kids had such a great time here. Justin was a good sport and let me go do a little shopping or as I like to call it "therapy session."

The kids really played well together here. It's so fun to watch them when they really are playing right along side each other. The conversations you over hear are so funny.............sometimes not so funny when they talk sassy and then look at you and say, "What I am being the MOM!"

Hunter loved this area where these balls went in all kinds of tubes.

Isn't he adorable?

This picture captures Hunter's expression as a boy seriously throws a boat full of water at Hunter. It was pretty funny and of course this got Hunter in his hilarious laugh mode. He has the best laugh............we've had so many people tell us his laugh should be the voice in a toy.

Kiersten is such a good girl! She is so creative. She liked the water area a lot.

Kiersten is our cautious child, so it took her awhile before she would climb the rock wall. But once she did she was so proud of herself. It's just so much fun to have a girl! She went with me a little bit and did some shopping. But once we had bought her a couple of outfits she was wanting to go back to the Museum and play. She's a girl after my own heart! She'll tell Justin all the time that she wants to move back to Chandler because there is a MALL there! Not that I have drilled that into her head or anything!

1 comment:

The Parkers said...

You have the cutest kids!