Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Day with Daddy

Every year Justin gets asked to go to the Brighter Day Preschool during community week to talk about CKC. He does a great job up there in front of those preschoolers!
Logan was happy to have his dad coming to this class. This is one of the two newer heavy duty dump trucks we just got for the HWY 191 job. It was quite the ordeal to get the two trucks here from Utah. Justin worked on that for about 7 weeks...........I thought he was going to kill people by the time it was done. It was crazy! He would get phone calls at the craziest hours, all regarding these trucks. We are all glad they are finally here...........but no one as much as Justin!!! We took pictures and printed them off for the preschool class to see what type of equipment CKC has..........Logan was thrilled about this part. Pretty big tire...
The asphalt plant (and Logan striking a pose!)
The cement plant and office.
Justin's home for 10-12 hours a day (many times even longer!)
The wash plant
The kids love the huge piles of dirt and sand. Sometimes we'll let the kids go out and climb on them. It always scares me a bit, but they have a grand time!
Headed to school
Justin came and picked Logan up. Mr. Grant was not so happy to not be going with the boys and he let me know it! Isn't this a sweet picture of them!
I love Mr. Grant's smile in this one.
I had a hard time getting Mr. Grant out of the picture. Good thing this isn't a video or you'd hear Mr. Grant SCREAMING!!! He knew he was missing out on something. Logan loved this day..........but it was his first day back to preschool and he couldn't handle the full 2 1/2 hours. So Justin brought him home. Poor little guy just wanted to get back into his pajamas!
Logan also shared his Eggee's with both was a HUGE HIT! Especially with the staff!!!

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