Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Little Sailor

Mr. Grant is 15 months old
He is learning all kinds of new things like....
how to gracefully throw a fit,
sign the word "more,"
climb the ladder outside to go down the slide,
make even bigger messes,
how to empty the kitchen drawer that holds the kids cups and then climb inside of the drawer, just to name a FEW!
Gosh I LOVE this little man!
Couldn't you just love on him all day and not get tired of it!
He has a look all of his own but at least it's a cute look! Mr. Grant is such a fun little guy. He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES being outside! There is no place he would rather be then outside with the rest of the kids! What a sweet sailor boy! Tub Time Pictures...
Mr. Grant was so curious about being in the large metal tub that we could hardly get him to look up. It would have been a funny picture if you could have seen all the things Justin and I were doing to make Mr. Grant look up!
Isn't he cute?
We Love Our Mr. Grant


tiffybaby24 said...

What a cutie! Love the new pics.

grammie said...

What cute pictures of him. He is growing up so FAST!