Tuesday, January 4, 2011

School Christmas Musical and Violin Concert

The kids were ecstatic about performing in their School Christmas Musical!
It was a western theme.
Mighty Fine Cowboy there if you ask me! What a pretty little lady! Oh man Justin is probably gonna need a bigger gun when Kiersten gets older! Isn't she gorgeous! Logan wasn't in the play but felt he needed his picture taken as well. I will never argue with a kid that wants their picture taken...........that's a good thing in my book! Kiersten was one of four girls that were chosen to square dance. Kiersten and Will Jarvis square dancing It depends on the day but Kiersten, some days, has a "crush" on Will.
Will is a handsome guy and since I love his mom I am okay with this "crush"!
Maliya was so cute up there on stage singing her heart out!
Hunter looks like one serious cowboy up there surrounded by all those girls.
Hunter adores his music teacher Mrs. Delane........and it is easy to see why!
The musical was so well done...........amazing props, fabulous costumes and such a cute script.
Bubble Gum Bart and Candy Cane Kid were able to solve their problem in the end and Christmas was SAVED!
Kiersten enjoyed all the dancing she did. She got to dance several times and loved every minute of it.............even the square dancing with Will!
Following the School Musical was the Violin Concert.
Hunter just loves playing the violin and he loves Mrs. Kim Skinner his teacher.
Kim is amazing with these kids!
We are so proud of Hunter's love of music and his dedication to practicing ever morning without much reminding.
Kiersten is our serious violinist! She wants to play perfectly and pushes herself so hard. Mrs. Skinner has mentioned many times to me what a wonderful violinist Kiersten is.
Kiersten looked beautiful up there performing about 15 songs.........some from memory!
Wonderful job Kiersten and Hunter!
One of the sweetest and proudest moments I think as a parent, is when your kids treat others with tender sweetness! During the musical one boy was very, very late............the show had been going for a good 15 minutes when his mom walked him half way on stage and pushed him to go. You could see his reluctance and nervousness as he turned around to grab onto his mom...........but she wasn't close enough. So he nervously walked around the group to find his spot.......which happened to be next to Hunter. When Hunter saw this boy, who happens to be a mentally challenged little guy...............Hunter immediately wrapped his arms around him, hugged him once then let go and hugged him again..........the whole time Hunter had a sweet smile on his face. He helped the little boy get in his correct spot and never again did this little boy seem nervous or scared.........in fact his face was all smiles from ear to ear.
It was such a tender moment to witness as a parent! The play was phenomenal but this tender moment was priceless!
Thank you Hunter for being such a sweet and thoughtful son!
Great great job Keirsten!
We love you for your hard work, self motivation, dedication, talent for music and your sweet gentle spirit. Our home is truly blessed because of you!
Logan loves music so it was a night he truly enjoyed.
Mr. Grant was a little more active during the show and had to go to the back about half way through.
These are two of my favorite guys!

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